bark for your byte

Infographics & Illustration

Art for experience's sake–

If a picture's worth a thousand words, then a good picture can sometimes replace words entirely, saying what needs to get said faster and with more clarity.

Picture it!
While Ghostdog utilizes illustration in web site design, we also do stand-alone artwork. For example we created infographic diagrams for the Overview for Developers and Dot-com Builder (shown here) both for our previous client Sun Microsystems. Then there were the training diagrams for Vitria, and for Taos Mountain, we created a modular, reconfigurable clipart set for it's training modules.



Howz it werk? Clearly.
As devotees of the 'image as illuminated fact' school of graphical explanation, Ghostsdog thinks visually and likes to help others do the same.

Our infographics use intuitive composition principles to help people make instant sense of even the most complicated technology and business concepts - without shying from tech when the audience need is there.



San Francisco Bay Area Website Design :: Internet & Intranet, Online Magazines, Strategy and Information Architecture :: Copyright Ghostdog® Design 2013